Fallout 4 lvl 4 merchants
Fallout 4 lvl 4 merchants

fallout 4 lvl 4 merchants

But when you’re stuck in a lovely loot zone and just need that bit extra to get outdoors and fast-travel home, you want Grilled Radstag. There are several common workarounds: load up your companion, use the Solo Wanderer/Dogmeat glitch and so on. The greatest enemy in Fallout 4, the bane of every player, the most despicable sentence in the Commonwealth: “You’re carrying too much and can’t run!”

fallout 4 lvl 4 merchants

If it’s a Legendary Ghoul, blow off the legs, and then the mutated second stage can only look up in abject apology as you line up the combat shotgun.

fallout 4 lvl 4 merchants

If it’s a Legendary Super Mutant, where we’re worried about their weapon, focus on the arms – if they mutate, you’ve crippled the arm by that point and their accuracy’s dived. When fighting Fallout 4’s normal enemies you don’t really need to target limbs so much so it’s easy to forget about this tactic, but it is absolutely the core part of my strategy against Legendaries. The one thing that doesn’t regenerate, however, is limb damage. Now cough up that loot! Photograph: Bethesda This is how I like my Legendary enemies – legless and toothless. Hit the VATS button as soon as you throw and you’ll find you can target the grenade, though depending on its location your shot chance will be different (this is another great opportunity for using the guarantee of a Crit.) And boom – no more legs for your luckless foes. Messed up that grenade toss? Always throwing it just a second too late as the Raiders scarper? Worry ye not my wasteland friend, for there are two magnificent tricks to frags that will turn your throwing arm into the envy of Shane Warne.įirst one is obvious when you think about it: a well-placed bullet will prematurely detonate your grenade. Think of this as at least one free shot and, thanks to the shonky enemy AI, usually many more – if they’re still alive after using VATS, just spam that trigger. Crits are also useful for taking out the combat inhibitors on the back of mechanical enemies.īut it doesn’t end there! One of the most useful functions of VATS is that your aim will be centred on any enemy you shot at after you’ve exited VATS.

Fallout 4 lvl 4 merchants